The Connector
The Connector
Photo by: Eli Christman.
Photo by: Eli Christman.

On Monday and Tuesday nights from 6:15-7:15 p.m. during Spring Quarter, the SCAD Atlanta Fitness Center is hosting yoga classes for current SCAD students. Classes are free of charge and provide a chance for students to get exercise in a highly therapeutic way.

In yoga classes, students learn various yoga poses that stretch the muscles to alleviate aches and develop core strength. Yoga classes create a calm, peaceful atmosphere; and with busy schedules, SCAD students can take a break and learn yoga from the ground up. The classes are for people of varying levels of experience with yoga—one need not have taken a yoga class before to attend. The instructor teaches students to the level that they are comfortable, giving different exercises and poses to the beginning students versus the more experienced yoga-doers.

Sessions start with some warm-up stretching then continue on to core exercises. Sometimes after core exercises, classes have free time where students can work on other different exercises with the instructor on an individual basis, asking questions and getting advice. Once the free period is over, there is a cool-down time where students—guided by the instructor—do some deep breathing to relax their bodies after their workout. Lastly, there is a brief time for meditation and students are free to stay or go.

The classes are limited to 22 people and the Fitness Center encourages people to bring their own water bottles. Also, students should bring their student IDs in order to use the fitness center and attend classes. Mats are available at the desk in the Fitness Center to be signed out free of charge. Classes take place in the Dance Studio connected to the Fitness Center.

Kate Betts
Kate Betts is a staff writer for The Connector. She is an undergraduate writing major with an obsession with "Once Upon A Time" and her adorable gray kittens.