The Connector
The Connector

How tolerance can be anything but

by Molly Armstrong-Paschal, contributor  I’ve never enjoyed waiting in checkout lines at grocery stores. I don’t eat candy and the majority of the magazines posted there generally make me fear
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You don’t need to be the boss

by Hoang Anh Tran, contributor When I become involved with a social group, my parents and family ask me a familiar question: “So, are you the one in charge?” They
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New year, not-so-new me

by Arielle Antonio, contributor Whew. You made it. I made it. We made it through 2013, a year fraught with botched pop music comebacks and big top worthy political shenanigans.
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I fired a friend and so can you

Illustration by Morgen Billingslea. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to pretty much  lose a friend’s name, number, and any new knowledge of
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What the hell? : Wary Samaritans

Another October Saturday night at the Igbo household found the hubby and I up just past midnight watching “Death Wish 4.” The doorbell rang. Hubby and I exchanged question marks
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