A model struts down the runway during the Flash Couture DEUX fashion show at The Warehouse in Castleberry Hill on Oct. 2.Le Flash performers take a break to enjoy "A Million Little Pictures," an Art House exhibition of over 24,000 photographs that document the lives of people around the world.Thomson More, a 2009 SCAD alumnus, pickets on the streets of Castleberry Hill during Le Flash. The protest was a stunt to draw attention to sculptor Antonio Darden.SCAD foundation studies professor Larry Anderson dons a quirky costume as he strolls around during Le Flash.Master sculptor and 2009 SCAD alumna Johana Moscoso prepares her piece for Le Flash, an art stroll in Atlanta’s Castleberry Hill held Oct. 3.Visual artists, performers and strollers take part in Le Flash on Oct. 3. Now in its second year, Le Flash Atlanta features over 40 artworks in Castleberry Hill’s streets, galleries, vacant lots, windows, warehouses and rooftops.