Zippers. Lots of zippers. All waiting for permanent homes on dresses, jackets or slacks.
But for now, they are color-coded and boxed in clear plastic bins and line shelves in the SCAD fashion department’s new resource room.
The Fashion Resource Room, located on the second-floor in the corner near the fashion computer lab, houses more than the rainbow assortment of garment fasteners, though. There are also patterns and rolls of dotted pattern paper, magazines, fabric swatches, apparel, a large flat-screen TV and two computer work stations.
And the room is a welcome addition to the department.
“The room adds the professional edge and sort of ties the big red ribbon on the fashion department,” Ron Hedgepeth, a third-year fashion major, said in an e-mail. “Even though the department is still developing [it’s] becoming better and better each quarter.”
“I’m glad that we finally have one,” Janesa Johnson said. “I was kind of jealous of the one in interior design.”
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Johnson, a third-year fashion major, was one of two students hired to help set up the room during winter break. Many of the items in the room, namely the zippers, came from outside donations. Others are pieces from past student collections or items that were taking up space in professors’ offices.
Although it is open for full use, there are bigger goals for the room. According to Johnson, plans include starting an archive of garments, which as of now represent eras from the early 1900s to present day.
One of the best things about the room, Johnson said, is the opportunity for expansion it affords the department. There is still plenty of space left to add to the room’s eclectic collection.
The department is always accepting donations of fabrics, garments, magazines — and yes, zippers.