This past Monday, the fourth floor in SCAD Atlanta’s main building was full of long-legged, gorgeous girls and handsome, trendy young men. They all wanted to be a part of the next SCAD modeling team. With such a huge turnout of young hopefuls, the group has huge potential for another successful year.
“I can’t believe how many people are here,” said second-year Chloe Hall, a returning model and fashion marketing major. The chosen modeling group will pose and strut their stuff for various events throughout the quarter. The main highlight will be the end-of-year show with fashion students in Savannah.
Last year the modeling group had the opportunity to work with noted runway coach and “America’s Top Model” contributor, Miss J. Alexander, as well as parade in front of famous designers.
After filling out the detailed sign-up form, the potential models proceeded into the 4C exhibition space and had their measurements taken. The most daunting part for some was to walk in front of the camera, which would be reviewed later by several judges. Some lucky people will be given the chance to showcase the creations of tomorrow’s great designers.
While a model’s job might seem glamorous, it is a lot of work with all the fittings, photo shoots and rehearsals. The students who are selected will face many long hours, and assist the up-and-coming SCAD designers in showcasing their work, they hope, to an ever-growing audience.