By Coleen Conner
The event that every SCAD fashion and fashion marketing student looks forward to more than holiday season, has just wrapped up. While most SCAD students couldn’t skip class and fly up to Gotham City for New York Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, some kept close tabs by following New York Magazine’s Web site or Style.com.
For those less fashion savvy students, Fashion Week happens twice a year in several major cities around the world and showcases designers’ collections that will hit stores in about six months. What exactly does this have to do with the average consumer? Think “The Devil Wears Prada” with the case of Oscar de la Renta’s collection of cerulean blue dresses. It all trickles back down to you, whether you consider yourself fashion forward, a “victime de la mode” or if you simply don’t care.
The fall trends seem to be leaning toward darks and neutrals, mixed with small and carefully placed pops of bright pinks, blues, purples and yellows. Think equestrian chic mixed with bits of the non-grunge side of the early 90s.
Fall is many months away, so don’t be too quick to head to the mall or your favorite boutique just yet — focus on preparing for spring instead. Thanks to groundhog General Lee, six weeks of winter have disappeared from the seasonal calendar. There is no time to waste since this makes many wardrobes already six weeks behind.
Take out your wide-legs and high-waisted denim from several years back, because Marc Jacobs took cues from 1970s Yves Saint Laurent. Do not be afraid to play with vintage prints, but at the same time, remember — refinement is key. If the 70s prove to be too much to handle, take hints from a lady-like and classic view on fashion. Designers like Chloé, ADAM and Band of Outsiders provide a feminine style with a bit of an edge.
Then, for all of the “man-repellers” out there (myself included), remember that socks with high-heeled sandals, top-knots and “birth-control” glasses are a girl’s best friend — that is if you prefer a relationship with fashion to one with a man.
Finally, let it be known that despite the buzz about flats for spring, a nice heel is always in fashion. The same is true for what you know looks good on you. In the words of Coco Chanel “fashion fades, only style remains.” Therefore, always consider what is shown on the runways and certainly my advice, but do not let it completely change what gives that “spark” to your style.