With the rise of food trucks and the ever expanding niche of food blogs, it’s clear that our love for food is never going to dissipate. Every year new buzz-worthy, grub tickles the taste buds. Here are a few celebrated favorites:
1. Szechuan Buttons.
Known as the toothache plant in Africa for containing a natural painkiller, this plant is a small yellow flower that looks like a miniature pincushion and delivers a tingling, zesty sensation. Think of a 9 volt battery on your tongue, or PopRocks. Foodies all over the place are going wild for recipes that incorporate these buttons. Watch some people eating them here.
2. Chia seeds.
Once a staple of the Aztec diet, these protein-rich seeds are a great source of energy, antioxidants and Omega-3s (more than salmon!). They are also a great additive for smoothies, baked goods and salad.
3. Buying locally at farmer’s markets.
If you want cheaper, fresher, more flavorful food, head on down to your nearest farmer’s market. Find a list of them here. As an added bonus, you can do your part to protect the environment by supporting local farmers. They save on fuels costs by not shipping their produce far away, and usually use fewer to no chemicals, pesticides and hormones.
4. Artisan popsicles like King of Pops.
If you haven’t yet had a King of Pops, it is imperative that you run on down to their Midtown location and get one. These fresh, all-natural, frozen treats will blow your mind. Raspberry lime is a personal favorite, but then, many of their flavors are seasonal and only available for a limited time, so there’s always something new to try.
5. Macarons (not macaroons) are replacing the cupcake. Although they can be pricy, Alon’s Bakery & Market in Dunwoody makes these pastel-colored French cookies in delicious flavors like pistachio and caramel.
6. Although its health benefits have been debated, coconut water, has become hugely popular of late. It has been drunk for centuries in its native climates and said to be low in calories and high in electrolyte potassium. And it tastes better than sports drinks.
7. Baked kale chips. These low-calorie, nutritious “chips” are a great snack alternative to the high-sodium, high-fat potato version. Now that they’ve been featured in Bon Appétit, they’re all the rage (again).