The Connector
The Connector

BY Rori-TAI Williams

Subject: Nikky Richardson
Occupation: Photojournalist/SCAD Hong Kong Photography BFA Student

Nikky was the first woman to be photographed for both the Facing It and Scarred series in the Insecurities Collection. Facing It explores the issues that many people have with their facial features. Scarred is a series that focuses on physical scars and their affixed emotions.

Insecurities: Facing It – “Ear & Eyes”

Hmm…these pimples on my face…I know every single one of them because before I came to Hong Kong my [face] was not like this! I don’t know if it’s the water or what!

Insecurities: Facing It – “Nose, Lip & Chin”

I’m still trying to figure it out. My nails are messed up and my hair is starting to break off. Yea…I ready to go…it’s a climate thing…I want my face back I want my hair back.

Insecurities: Scarred – “Open Clavicle”

It was on whim…I wanted them so bad!

It didn’t hurt that’s the thing.
I woke up one day…went to brush my teeth and [when I] looked down my [T-shirt] had blood on it. My first thing was how can I save this so I put a band-aid on it. I know, I just wanted to keep it so bad!

I like my scar…I used to hate it…I didn’t hate it that long.

I only had the piercing for four months…the skin between the bar was too thin…the piercing just slid down and as it was sliding down it started to cut my skin. Whatever fluid my body was producing to repair itself…that’s what made it slip and fall through. And I had keloids…

I had one on the back of my neck…had to take that one out too. It had keloids…little baby ones.

I tried all the butters to cure scars…things that didn’t have words that I could understand…I tried everything.

After a while I looked at it like [forget] it! I kinda like it! I had piercings there and I had to take them out. These are like permanent piercings. I kinda still miss them but I can’t have them so…