The Connector
The Connector

SCAD Atlanta is safe. There is no ongoing war between two sects of a shared religion happening on the 4th floor. There is no band of militarized, heavily-armed adolescents roving around the 3rd floor in a battered pickup truck. There is no concentration camp in the Hub. There is no drug-trafficking ring in the parking deck.

Regardless, I try to never sit with my back to any entrance. I know where all the exits are in any room. I know all the best hiding places. I’ve read through all of the procedures for emergency preparedness on I carry pepper spray on my keychain. I don’t carry excess gear. I keep my headphone volume low or turn my Ipod off completely in high traffic areas. I look at faces and pay attention to excited conversations. I have the contact number for campus security programmed into my smartphone. I love campus security. I love when they check my ID and verify my picture. When they tell me I need to update my parking or ID decal, I don’t hesitate to do it.

Some may see it as paranoia. I see it as protecting my vanilla, safe and ridiculously uncomplicated life in every possible way that I can – just in case. I don’t worry about natural disasters, criminal activity or any other potential threat on campus because I do my due diligence. I remain vigilant. I expect the best but prepare for the worst.

The only thing I do worry about is whether or not my fellow, and otherwise harmless, classmates are doing the same. What will they do in the event of an emergency? Will they keep a calm head? Are they aware of proper procedures? Do they check their emails for messages from our administration and security? Are they paying attention to their surroundings? Do they have a plan for their own safety? I don’t know and that scares me.