As of April 14, SCAD Atlanta students have had to adjust to reduced hours at ACA Library. Originally, the library was open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.; and Sunday noon – 9 p.m. Currently, library hours are Monday through Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.; Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.; Saturday to Sunday noon – 5:30 p.m. Although temporary, the total reduction accounts for a ten hour curtailment of services.
When a member of the ACA Library staff left to pursue another opportunity, remaining members could not handle those additional hours on top of their own schedules. Librarians worked out a new schedule based on daily traffic and the number of the questions they answer at help desks. They found that Sundays and Thursday nights required the least amount of coverage and changed hours accordingly.
Fourth-year graphic design student, Ahmed Abdul-Salam, expressed his feelings about the changes.
“This new schedule is inconvenient for those of us students who use the library and its resources, and there are more than a few of us who do, “ said Salam, “I especially feel that these new hours may affect the quality of service offered by the library staff, as they’ll now have less time to help the students with their individual needs.”

“I usually use the library to get books when I have a paper to write because I prefer using books over online databases for sources,” said Lauren Brooks Agnes, another loyal patron and fourth-year graphic design student. “I almost never go to the library outside of class before 6 p.m.”
Both students said that they valued the quiet atmosphere and the individual computer workstations.
“Although there are many machines available for students throughout the entire building, the library provides an extra work space for students who are not in class during periods when other labs are reserved by professors,” Abdul-Salam explained, “I sort of live in the library, and this feels like I’m being locked out of my own home.” Abdul-Salam said that he felt so strongly about the new schedule that he immediately contacted Michael Varin, access services librarian.
“We understand that students may feel frustrated,” said Varin, “They want us to be open when they need us. And we want to do that. We don’t want to reduce hours. We want to go in the opposite direction. We want to get as close to 24/7 service as we possibly can. But we can’t with our current staff level.”
Varin and head librarian,Teresa Burk, said they are particularly interested in continuing their mission to develop collections, provide assistance with all class projects and research assignments and provide the most current and innovative information and research assistance.
Beginning three quarters ago, librarians started looking through each department’s syllabi for required or optional textbooks. They purchased most, if not all, of the books, put them on reserve and emailed each faculty member to let students know that the books are available to students for two hour in-library use. Within the last six weeks, they have purchased approximately 130 books. But ACA Library’s commitment to top-notch service doesn’t stop there. Each of the librarians at ACA Library has a masters degree in library science. Some have M.F.A.s as well.

“Individualized service is our point of pride,” said Varin, “If a student needs in-depth research assistance with their paper, we’re here at all times during operating hours. That’s a rarity in academic libraries. Usually students would have to set up an appointment with the reference library and stay in the queue. Here, that type of help is right at the point service. If there is a book that a student wants the library to purchase, even if its not a required or optional text, 99.9 percent of the time, we do it. If there’s a journal, they want us to subscribe to, a film they want, I can’t think of an instance when a request was turned down.”
“The reason we are here is to serve the students with our collections and human capital,” Burk said.
“I’ve always found the employees to be helpful any time I ask,” said Agnes. Librarians also reach out to students via their customized online research guides. The guides provide thorough detailed help with finding information and organizing data for research papers.
“We have more than 35 guides posted online with more on the way,” said Burk, “We take our high quality of service very seriously.”
Salar understands ACA Library’s commitment to services but said that he still can’t be help being upset with reduced access, temporary or not. Even after the extended hours during midterms and finals, he explained that he and other students will still feel at a loss.
“The new hours will force students like me to take precious time out of our rigid schedules to take advantage of all that the library has to offer,” Abdul-Salam said.
ACA librarians welcome any student questions or comments about the library’s new hours. Michael Varin may be reached at mvarin@scad.edu. Teresa Burk may be reached at tburk@scad.edu.