“Fashion has always been my biggest inspiration, but I’m not so much a visual artist. I like playing with words,” says Brittany Joyce, second-year writing student and fashion marketing and management minor. Joyce did some traveling before starting college and eventually making Atlanta her home saying,“I’m from Virginia but I traveled a lot growing up. I lived in Manhattan on the Lower East Side after high school but I knew I had to get my education some place I could focus more.”
Moving from New York to Athens, Ga. Joyce found a creative niche to live and work. “Athens is actually a really creative place to be. There are tons of bands, so I was pretty involved in music. I also joined the Athens fashion collective called “Community” and even got a job serving slimy pizza,” said Joyce.
After taking this break from school, Joyce decided to attend college and she chose SCAD. She admits, “I love SCAD. I love Ivy Hall. It’s one of my favorite places to be in Atlanta. It’s such a unique place to learn.” She says one of her favorite courses so far is Nonfiction I with professor Chris Bundy, “In Nonfiction I, I wrote “The Romance of Filament and Photons” which is a weird commentary about people and their relationship with light. It was my first published work in an arts magazine. It’s called Marco Polo Arts Magazine. I thought it was really cool that a class like that could foster work that could be put in an arts magazine.”
Similarly, Joyce’s piece “Edie” was selected by the art history faculty to be exhibited in the Fifth Annual Lost Art Symposium in April. She explains, “It’s a silkscreen of Edie Sedgwick. I thought it was interesting that she was Andy Warhol’s muse but he never made prints of her. It was the first time I’ve ever screenprinted. I did it at my house and made a total mess, but now I’m kind of obsessed with it.”
When she’s not at SCAD, you can find Joyce exploring Atlanta with her dog, Buffy Stubbz. “I’ve found a home in Atlanta. I love the different communities that make up Atlanta. But mostly it’s my dog Buffy Stubz that consumes my time. I rescued her while I was in Athens,” said Joyce.
For the past year, Joyce has been working part-time for Aviary Organic Beauty Collective where she serves as Social Media Director responsible for blogging and social media based marketing. Her long-term goals include her passion for both writing and fashion. She says, “I would love to be an editor at a fashion magazine that has respect in the industry. But, I can also see myself as head of public relations at a smaller fashion house. I’m really interested in growth and helping things grow.”
Click on the links below to read works by Brittany Joyce: “The Romance of Filament and Photons” and “Bird’s Words” blog.
Published creative nonfiction:
Aviary blog: http://www.aviarybeauty.com/birds-words