Out to Launch (O2L) is an annual event at SCAD where a select group of students are given the opportunity to put their best foot forward to be approached by employers. It is essentially a reverse job fair where students place their work on display for employers to observe and talk to them directly. At O2L 2014, graduate illustration major Erin McManness, not only received her second opportunity to participate but also won the title “Best in Show” at the event. Afterwards, we caught up with her to ask her a few questions to give you an idea of the O2L experience and how to prepare for next year.

Provided by Erin McManness
What was your preparation plan for your table?
I was so honored to be asked to participate for the second year in a row at Out to Launch 2014. I had learned so much from my first year that I felt very lucky to have a unique perspective going in for a second round. One of the most helpful preparations I have made both years is setting up a mock table in my studio space to plan out the layout of my booth — it was something as simple as measuring out the space with artist’s tape. I found that creating levels on the table to keep the layout facing them as they approached the table was crucial to a positive impression of my booth. Because I am an illustration graduate student, many of the elements for my booth are printed, paper goods. If you are planning to have paper goods, takeaways, business cards, etc., try to print and order one month before the event; that way, you do not have to pay for rush shipping, you have time to resend if there’s an issue with the order and you will have the materials you need to effectively set up your mock booth to create the best layout possible! And did I mention you will have a LOT less stress?

Provided by Erin McManness
How did it feel to be approached by employers rather than you going to them?
I’ll just say it: having employers approach your booth is intimidating. But the important thing to keep in mind with an event like Out to Launch is that those employers are already curious and interested in your work before they even speak to you! Having participated in the SCAD Savannah Career Fair last year, I learned that those employers receive an overwhelming amount of attention from students that they may or may not be interested in, in a very short amount of time. At Out to Launch, you are given a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with an employer who is already engaging with your work, and to create a lasting impression with them. In my opinion, having employers approach my booth at Out to Launch made it easier for me to be myself, talk about my work with key samples right in front of me and to answer specific, tailored questions the employer had.

Provided by Erin McManness
Which companies interested you the most?
My illustration career has taken the path of surface design and paper goods, so I was very interested in meeting stationery, design and retail-sourcing companies like Creative Marketing Associates and International Greetings, as well as meeting advertising and graphic design companies who were looking for freelance illustrators.
What is your advice to other students who aspire to be in the next Out to Launch?
My advice to students is to be yourself, but also be strategic. Go through your work with a fine-tooth comb and present only your best. If you feel there is a gap in relevant work, create works to fill that space that are also compatible with your existing portfolio. Be strategic and research what companies have been coming to Out to Launch. Many of the employers are in the advertising and graphic design realm, so stay true to your own creative voice, but tailor the work to your target audience. Lastly, go the extra mile, pay attention to the details and be creative in your presentation: these are the things that set you apart!
Erin McManness is a graduate student in the Illustration M.F.A. program at SCAD, graduating this May.
Website: http://erinmcmanness.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mcmannessillustration
Instagram: http://instagram.com/mcmannessillustration