Metro area commuters will be happy to hear that the Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority, MARTA, has improved its bus and rail service. On Saturday, May 17 the public transportation system implemented a number of changes that have been discussed since the beginning of the year. Depending on the route, riders can expect anything from shorter wait times to a return to regular bus stops (due to the end of the Atlanta Streetcar detours).
One of the most exciting changes includes the new weekday peak hour schedule. All rail-line wait times have been reduced from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. What does this mean? If you miss your train (and we all miss our train at one point) you won’t be as late as you would have been previously. And since a minute saved is a minute earned, here is a list of the top five things that some SCAD students and metro-Atlanta commuters would do with an extra five minutes, before leaving their home in the morning.

5. Body-time.
Five minutes is just enough time to stretch, do some yoga or even dance to a favorite song. Since studies show that this type of body movement helps with weight loss, flexibility and stress reduction, it’s not a bad use of time.
4. Plan better.
If you had five more minutes to plan, you probably wouldn’t forget your laptop charger by the sofa or your project board on the dining room table. You might even be able to coordinate a better outfit (something that says “I’m on top of my game, but I’m not trying”).
3. Eat.
The difference between a grab-and-go cereal bar and a warm toaster-strudel could be five minutes. Plus, you will need that breakfast energy to get you through the long commute.
2. Meditate.
A little quiet time never hurt anyone. Many commuters stated that they would use their extra five minutes to rejuvenate their spirit with meditation, journaling or a morning prayer.
1. Sleep.
As expected, the No. 1 activity that commuters would do with an extra five minutes is sleep. And these metro-Atlanta riders will probably end up late to their destination. Still, they could find themselves five minutes ahead of their usual late time.

Some honorable mentions: leave early, sneak a quickie and cry more (happy tears, we hope). During the weekends, MARTA will return to its usual 20-minute intervals. To find out more about MARTA’s increased frequencies and other changes visit the MARTA website.