CAS mock interview opportunity prepares students for the job search

Career and Alumni Success (CAS) offers students a chance to complete mock interviews in preparation for job hunting. Mock interviews are sample interviews that allow students to practice answering questions in a low pressure environment. Students can have their mock interview recorded so that they may see themselves as potential employers do. They are required to bring their resume and encouraged to bring their portfolios. Students are also encouraged to dress professionally for the mock interview in order to simulate the real experience of interviewing, but it is not required.
Sessions last 45 minutes and include feedback from a career advisor at the end. During the interview, students are asked questions such as “describe your ideal work environment,” “what are your five-year goals” and “how has your college education prepared you for this position?” After completing the interview, the career advisor will review the interview tape and critique the interviewee based on the following criteria: first impression, presentation during the interview, question responses, non-verbal behavior and concluding the interview.
To request a mock interview, students must make an appointment to meet with their career adviser. Freshmen, sophomores and undeclared students can request an appointment by sending an email to, while juniors, seniors, grad students and alumni can request appointments on the SCAD Job Portal.