‘Cause + Effect 2015’: Make a film, make a difference

Making art is an act of passion. Now, thanks to Cause + Effect 2015, SCAD student filmmakers have a chance to use their artistic passion to make the world a better place.
Cause + Effect is a new Georgia progressive film competition and festival that accepts short film entries dealing with social, political, environmental or economic issues impacting the state of Georgia. Participants are encouraged to base their entry on an issue they are passionate about.
The Cause + Effect competition is free to enter and open to all Georgia filmmakers. The winner will be awarded a $1,000 cash grand prize, while second place is awarded $250 and third place $100. All five semi-finalist short films will be screened at Ciné in Athens, Ga. on Nov. 8. After the screenings, the winning film will be decided by a one-week, online voting period — the entry that garners the most Facebook likes and shares during that period will come away with the victory.
The festival will accept submissions from Aug. 26 until Oct. 11. Submissions must include a call-to-action and/or propose solutions to the problem or issue upon which the film is focused. Films must be between 2 and 15 minutes in length, and can be in any genre: documentary, animation, music video, et cetera. Entrants can submit their films here via YouTube links.
Cause + Effect’s suggested issues to focus on include:
— Health care
— Women’s rights
— Rural hospital crisis
— LGBTQ rights
— Civil rights
— Workers’ rights
— Voting rights
— Poverty
— Income inequality
— Privatization of prisons
— K-12 education
— Higher education
— Student loan debt
— Corporate welfare
— Environment
— Clean energy
— Public transportation
— Affordable housing
— Land use
— Transparency/corruption in government
— Food production
— Water access
According to their website, the goal of Cause + Effect is “to bring important Georgia issues into focus through film while encouraging younger Georgians to identify problems facing our state and propose policy-based and community-oriented solutions.” A good cause, to be sure — now the effect is up to talented, young Georgia filmmakers like you.
Take a look at the Cause + Effect website for more information about the event.