Jo Arellanes

With a double major/double minor BFA under her belt and currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Photography, Jo Arellanes seldom slows down. Freshly back from a summer abroad in Lacoste, this talented artist (and cosplayer) sits down with me for some tough questions, and gives us a glimpse into her latest photography series “Unearth Origins.”
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
The calmness that comes from creating something and being satisfied by the act.
You can always strive for more out of anything, but it is the moment of knowing “this is enough” is where I find my happiness.
What is your greatest fear?
Failure. I find it everywhere, but it’s a matter of driving past it.
Which living person do you most admire?
Marina Abramovic and my parents.
Who has inspired your work the most (living or dead)?
I have list of influences… but inspired? The universe. When I’m too overwhelmed, I look at images of outer space and that inspires me to keep pursuing my dreams.
What trait about yourself do you most dislike?
When my emotions explode and I’m a bit uncontrollable. It’s not a pretty sight.
What trait do you most deplore in others?
Squandered potential.
What trait do you most value in your friends?
Trust and understanding.
What talent would you most like to have?
I don’t trust talent… I know if I work hard at anything, I can do it.
I wish I had more time. Can time be a talent?
What is your most treasured possession?
But if you mean a physical thing, a ring and a charm I always wear.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want a healthy body.
Where would you love to live?
Abroad. I miss France terribly right now.
I want to live in Australia for a while and travel all over that side of the globe.
What is it about SCAD that you like the most?
The quality. There’s not another place like it though it comes with it’s challenges.
As of now, what is the most valuable thing you feel you have learned at SCAD?Hindsight is 20/20 – even though undergrad professors didn’t understand why I did so much, even though I wasn’t able to start a career in any of the fields I studied, it all comes together in how I make art now. But, truthfully, SCAD didn’t teach me that…
What would you like to see in the future at SCAD?
Better treatment of current students and alumni. Once you are at SCAD, you are a number and your individuality as a person is lost amongst the masses. Alumni do not get the kind of assistance they should or access to equipment/facilities to truly help them get into their industries.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I haven’t done it yet.