Painting your nails can be one of the most arduous beauty tasks, among the ranks of perfecting winged eyeliner and matching your correct foundation. From painting outside the shape of your nail and smudging it before it dries to failing so hard at one hand while the other is the object of perfection, we have all been through these nail painting beauty blunders. British nail brand Nails Inc. has come up with the most genius solution to our shaky application problems: spray-on nail polish.
The spray polish works by first using a top coat and then spraying the polish right onto your hands. It takes 20 seconds to fully apply, let them dry and voilà! The polish will only stick to the top coat and you can wash the rest of it off.
So lazy folks and perfectionists rejoice. Spray-on nail polish is here. Well, in the U.K. at least. The Nails Inc. Spray Can won’t be available for purchase in the U.S. until Spring 2016. In the meantime we can all join the waiting list and hit up the nail salon in the meantime.