What did you do? SCAD students talk about their winter break

By Darissa Townes
With the winter quarter starting, many SCAD students have to reel themselves back in from the relaxing holiday break. I took the time to ask a few students what they did over their break and how some of them feel about the new quarter.
Andrew Hudson, a third-year animation major, used his vacation to compose music and prepare to make his senior film by creating style frames and character designs. When he wasn’t busy doing that, he spent time with his friends and girlfriend, watching movies and playing video games. In regards to the new quarter, Hudson says he is a little nervous, but optimistic.
“I have concept and 2D production in the same quarter. But I’m excited to work on the stuff that I care about,” he said.
Fourth-year graphic design student Brittany Leverett says she is taking her time this winter quarter. She spent much of her break with her family, as she’s quite family-oriented.
Piya Pahwa, a third-year animation major with a technical direction minor, spent her vacation reworking old projects to put in her demo reel. She took advantage of the free time to explore Atlanta, going to the aquarium and riding her bike in Piedmont Park. For Christmas, she went back home to Bangkok to be with her family.
I spent my vacation at home in New York mostly writing scripts and preparing to make my senior film. I also visited my mother in North Carolina.
It was a wonderful break for a lot of students and hopefully all that time off will help us in the new quarter.