aTVfest 2016 presents: ‘Talk the Runway with Miss J’

The crowd went silent when Miss J Alexander walked into Panel Room A. Thursday afternoon’s 2:30 p.m. panel “Talk the Runway with Miss J” was packed to the brim with people waiting to hear his every word. Associate chair of fashion Sarah Collins moderated the event, providing thought-provoking questions for the very entertaining guest speaker. The topic of the panel was Miss J’s venture into reality television, but the discussion went off track and back again due to his amusing anecdotes and sage wisdom.
Miss J gave us a brief synopsis of his life, including how he originally went to school to become an accountant before being discovered by a modeling agency. Starting off walking for Jean Paul Gaultier, Miss J modeled in Japan and Paris before starting his career as a runway coach. He then was asked to be a guest judge and coach on the iconic show, “America’s Next Top Model” and the rest was history.
The TV personality kept it real by saying that he was fine as long as his rent was paid, electricity was on and food was in the house. When a student asked Miss J about breaking into television, he said, “Place yourself where you want to be.” He then went on to elaborate how interning, networking and starting from the bottom was a good way to establish yourself and work your way up. “Dues need to be paid,” he went on to say. “It helps you value you it more.” When asked about collaborating with others, even though you may not get along with them, he told the audience to leave egos at home and maintain dignity and respect for themselves and one another.
“Talk the Runway with Miss J” was a treat for fashion majors and enthusiasts alike. If you missed your dose of Miss J, you can try and catch a peek of him on the fashion floor as he coaches the model elites for next quarter’s SCAD Fashion Show, or follow him on Twitter.