Both the SCAD campus and the city of Atlanta offer lots of different hang-out options for students. This week I had the chance this week to catch up with a few students who shared about their favorite places at SCAD and around campus!
Alexia Zarate – Writing Major
Atlantic Station, and Phipps Plaza. I really like hanging out there. They have a movie theater!
Alexa Baggs – Film and Television Major, Creative Writing Minor
I’m always a fan of The Varsity.
Chana Klein – Film and Television major
My favourite place to eat is Yeah Burger. I like hanging out in Cabbagetown [and at] the third-floor lobby of the DMC.
Jordan diPirro – Television Production Major
At SCAD I like that study nook that is by the interior design classrooms. Outside of SCAD I like Piedmont Park.
Emme Raus – Writing Major
The Plaza Theatre because they have “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and it’s fun. And they have a cute diner outside of it!
Kara Robson – Animation Major
The [residence hall]!
Wendy Lin – Graphic Design major
Mine [is] Atlantic Station.
Anderson Carman – Sequential Art Major
I really enjoyed going to The High Museum before my membership ended. But I’ll probably renew it because I love seeing the new art … really it’s perfect for art students.
Tricia Ilena – Graphic Design Major
I like Piedmont Park!
Adam Crow – Writing Major
The bathroom.