SCAD celebrates its fashion and interior design programs in style

SCAD Atlanta’s reception celebrating its top-ranking fashion and interior design programs was a lively event dedicated to SCAD Atlanta’s hard working students. SCAD’s last-minute decision to move the reception from the fashion museum’s rooftop deck to the SCADpads provided a much more interactive and entertaining space. The rain couldn’t stop the party from happening. From the lush greenery surrounding the SCADpad seating areas to the hanging spherical chairs that produced bubbles when spun, there was so much to see and experience.
The event was also a great opportunity for new students to tour the highly-embellished, sublime SCADpads. From ceilings dripping with yarn to iPads that frosted the windows over with the touch of a button, they were the perfect setting to celebrate the interior design and fashion departments.

The live band, embroidered baseball caps made special for the occasion and free food consisting of chocolate-dipped rice krispies, corn salad, delicately-salted chips and quaint but delicious cheese sandwiches kept the party alive until its main event, SCAD President Paula Wallace’s speech.
President Wallace exuberantly expressed her sincerest pride that SCAD’s fashion and interior design programs have become so prestigious. According to “The Business of Fashion,” a highly regarded fashion news site, SCAD’s graduate fashion degree program is ranked first in the country as well as best in the world for long-term value and learning experience. Our school’s interior design graduate and undergraduate programs are also number one, with the latter holding the crown for five consecutive years.

An unexpected highlight of the celebration was when former SCAD graduate and successful business owner, Kirk Stafford, took to the podium to talk about the growth of his company, Tweeds, and how influential his time and education at SCAD was in making his company a success. From personal anecdotes about spending ten hours on a single moodboard as a student to his company’s cashmere shirts, his words of wisdom were truly inspiring for those who want to build a business of their own.
After the speeches came to a close and attendees were encouraged to start leaving, many stayed behind, not ready for the festivities to end.