The Connector recognizes exemplary photo work produced by SCAD students. This week’s featured photo is by M.F.A photography student Suhair Farhat.
My first morning I had in the United States, I dressed up and told myself, “Smile to everyone.” I was a bit nervous about how the new culture and people were going to treat me. I remember as I walked down the street that morning, I spotted a woman carrying boxes trying to get out of a building. When I ran to open the door for her, she smiled back at me saying, “Good morning.”
I do not remember her face, how tall she was, or what she was wearing, but I remember the impression she left on me and how she made my morning. The interaction calmed me down and took away the nervousness I felt that day.
In my work with “Cyanotype and Vandyke”, I am keeping the sense of the leaves and flowers that will be dead within days or weeks. I see a parallel between the impressions people leave in each other and the impressions nature generates on the paper.
A kind stranger told me once, “When we meet people, we give and leave a part of us with them.”
Thanks Suhair!
If you wish to have your photo featured, send an email to photo@scadconnector.com.