The Connector
The Connector

POTW-Jesse Pratt LopezThe Connector recognizes exemplary photo work produced by SCAD students. This week’s featured photo is by second-year photography student Jesse Pratt López.

Artist statement:
“This photo is part of a series that explores what it feels like living in a female body in our day and age. In a society where female bodies are constantly objectified and sexualized, especially when they try to claim ownership over their own bodies. Female bodies are constantly used a sex objects for commercial profit, held to ridiculous standards of appearance, and then are vilified if they do not adhere to this standard. For this reason, I attempted to portray the female body in its rawest, least idealized form: hairy, at a not-unrealistically attainable weight, and portrayed as natural as possible. In this photo, the model is seen trying to climb up the stairs, but is weighed down by society’s expectations of how she should look and act.”

Congratulations, Jesse!

If you would like to have your photo featured, send an email to