SCAD Atlanta Radio students attend broadcasting conference in Philadelphia
Student radio staff from SCAD Atlanta Radio attended the College Broadcasters, Inc. National Student Electronic Media Convention (NSEMC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oct. 20 – 22.

NSEMC offered a variety of workshops and sessions intended to help college students in the areas of radio, television, webcasting and video. Workshops and sessions covered topics such as producing, writing, marketing, social media, programming, media law and management.
Kate Pantone, general manager at SCAD Atlanta Radio and a graphic design major, said the event was a great learning opportunity and found the different sessions highly informative. Pantone said her favorite session was led by Dr. Rob Quicke, founder of College Radio Day.
“He was so enthusiastic about college radio and was talking a lot about beyond just producing music, like what we feel is the identity of our station and why are we doing this,” said Pantone. “I just thought that was really eye-opening.”

In addition to informational sessions, NSEMC also offered social functions and networking opportunities for attendees. Jake Phillips, the music director at SCAD Atlanta Radio and an interactive design and game development major, considered the networking the biggest takeaway from the event.
“It was a tremendous experience where we got to meet other college DJs from all over the country,” said Phillips. “We heard their struggles, shared their tastes in music, and laughed at how difficult college can be.”
Pantone agreed that networking with other students and college radio stations was memorable.
“We all just helped each other talk about how we can make college radio as successful as possible,” said Pantone.
Pantone highly recommends next year’s radio staff attend the conference, which is already scheduled for 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.
For more information about CBI NSEMC, visit
For more information about SCAD Atlanta Radio, visit