Composition made easy with these simple tips

Photography is about having a good eye. Many people have taken pictures of the Eiffel Tower but few of those photos are actually memorable. Composition is what makes all the difference. It’s natural to want to take a picture straight on but it may not always make for the most interesting structure. Here are some simple techniques to improve the composition of your photographs and make them more compelling.
Think about light and shape when choosing an angle to take an image from
When setting up a shot take into consideration the shape of a subject. Decide if a profile shot compliments the shape of the person or building best. Also be aware of the lighting and the shadows. Being able to determine where shadows fall based on the time of day can help construct image composition.
Make a subject seem taller than it actually is by using a low angle
An easy tip to making someone appear taller is to set up the camera below them, tilted up. This gives the subject more length and creates a powerful image.
Do not place a subject directly in the middle of a frame
It’s natural to want to take a picture with the subject directly in the middle, but taking a different angle can make all the difference. It may be more dynamic if the subject is off-center or placed in the corner of the frame.

Do not be afraid of negative space
Photography is as much about the subject as it is about the space around it. Negative space can be interpreted in different ways through space and scale relationships. It can also convey a certain mood and tone.
Use shapes in the environment to frame the subject in the photo
Even without set design, a photoshoot can look professional. Local monuments, parks and malls can have great architectural spaces that can improve the subject of a photo. The subject becomes more interesting if it appears to be integrated within the environment instead of just simply placed.
Create depth by having a foreground, middleground and background
Flat photos can convey a minimalistic style if executed correctly. However, the photo can come off as boring. Creating visual depth makes the photo seem more dynamic and energetic.
Look for and capture patterns
Capturing patterns is hard in an environment where they aren’t easily identifiable. An easy way to do this is to match color which can be done either in production or post-production.
With the application of these tips, photographs easily become more interesting. When an audience is presented with a different perspective they are more likely to stop and look at it. When a personal touch is given to a photograph it begins to stand out.