Celebrate the spring season with Atlanta’s Dogwood Festival

Friday the 13th may be an unlucky day for some but proved to be the arrival of beauty and luck for Atlanta with the Dogwood Festival making its beloved return. This year marks the event’s 82nd anniversary — and what a way to bring in the season.

This year’s event included performances. The International Stage, set on Piedmont Park’s Lake Clara Meer dock, filled the festival with lyrical energy as bands and improv groups representing numerous countries performed. The culture and community the entertainers brought to the festival were a great addition.

Of course, the art and artists presented are the highlights. Art of all kinds, from detailed paintings to wacky sculptures, populated the day. The stories behind these works and artists were fascinating to hear. Going to events as large as these and seeing the support for the artists is enough to get any SCAD student smiling.
This year’s weekend-long Dogwood Festival is one not to miss. For those interested in going, the event will last until Sunday, April 15. For more information on the event, click here.