The Connector
The Connector
By Mia McDonald
Photo by Anya Haber

Buy a planner

Having a planner assists you with being organized. As an adult, organization is going to be your best friend. Whether it’s scheduling interviews or appointments, having that written reminder is going to be crucial. In school, it was easier to remember major assignments and events because they were included in the syllabus and there were verbal reminders given by professors.

It’s different now. You’re in charge of writing those important dates down. What better place than a planner? Yes you are sharp, known for being meticulous, and have legendary memory, but having your schedule written down is always a good backup. Warning: There are many types of planners. You need one tailored to your needs and interests. How to find the perfect planner for you is an article for a different time.

Photo by Anya Haber

Create a budget

This is a step that I’m still working on myself. Budgeting isn’t fun, but it’s a tool that’s best to learn early on. Once you’ve secured a job and started collecting paychecks, it’s now time to create your budget. Add up how much you make monthly after taxes. From there, write down all your guaranteed expenses (aka your bills). This includes rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries and transportation. Basically, these are the necessities for survival. Then you’ll write down all of your miscellaneous expenses that aren’t needed for survival. Be honest. Add both of those numbers and subtract it from your monthly income. The money left over, no matter how much it is, is your budget. Don’t be discouraged if it’s low. Revisit your miscellaneous expenses and look for areas that can be cut. It may hurt, but your pockets will thank you. Side tip: live below your means. Just because you can afford $1,000 monthly rent doesn’t mean you have to live in a $1,000 apartment.

Set a bedtime

A bedtime? As an adult? I must be crazy. When I first went off to college one of the things I looked forward to was ownership of my time, no curfew and certainly not a bedtime. Now, after graduating for college and nearing 30 years of age, my bedtime is something I look forward to. Having a bedtime in your adult years isn’t a sign of aging. It’s actually a mature decision. Your body and mind need consistent rest in order to function properly. Setting a bedtime and being consistent with it puts your body on a needed sleep schedule. This will give you the energy you need to be an adult because, let’s be honest, being an adult is a job within itself. For whatever time you choose, be sure to get the recommended eight hours of sleep nightly.

Take a social media break


This step is one of the most important. Social media is a way to connect with people and promote businesses, but sometimes it can become a distraction and take up all your time. You initially logged on to get someone’s contact information and three hours later you’re still on social media scrolling through your timeline. Another way social media serves as a distraction is when you unintentionally compare your life to your followers, friends and people you don’t even know. It’s very common to see people posting pictures of an amazing vacation they just took or the shopping they just did. Don’t get caught up in that. The struggle is real and isn’t selective; anyone can be struggling, even if their social media reflects otherwise. Remember, people post their best moments on social media, not their worst.

Practice self-love

Life is going to come at you fast. You’ll get caught up in your new lifestyle and become busy making plans for the future. It’s easy to overwhelm and overwork yourself. When this time comes, it’s best to give yourself a break and practice self-love. Self-love is taking time just for you and focusing solely on your well-being.

Photo by Anya Haber

What does self-love look like? You can catch up on rest, binge-watch Netflix or take yourself out on a date. Practicing self-love doesn’t have to be costly or a grand gesture. It’s something as simple as giving yourself a pat on the back and a good pep talk as often as you need it. There are no rules on how to express self-love. Just know that there will be days, some more than others, when you need self-reassurance. You’re amazing and you can work through any stressful situation. Never be too hard on yourself.

Being an adult is truly a balance of doing what you have to do so you can do what you want to do. Unfortunately, there isn’t a secret equation or an official law on how to be an adult. It’s truly a trial and error experience. You have to do what works for you. It’s OK to not have it all together or have everything figured out. Part of being an adult is recognizing areas of your life that need improvement and working on personal growth. Just know that there are people going through similar situations who want to see you win. Good luck my fellow Bees — may the adult force be with you!