Student Life brings Late Night Brunch to finals week

Thursday night is an awkward time for SCAD students. It’s our Friday, but many others get up early the next morning to go to work or school. There isn’t much to do on a Thursday night, and you don’t feel like doing much when there is only a week of classes left. But, sometimes, you just need to get out, spend time with friends and forget about your work. The Late Night Brunch is a perfect time to do just that.
The Thursday night before finals week, the Hub was filled with energy. Music from the early 2000’s to now blasted from the speakers, making it hard to hear the person sitting across from you. Late Night Brunch is hosted by faculty and staff at the end of fall and spring quarters. The aim is to get students away from their work for a couple of hours and have fun.

This quarter, the event was ’80s themed. On top of the brown tables and metal high tops were glow sticks, sunglasses and shutter shades. A line for food formed from the doors of the kitchen to the elevators outside the Hub. Kitchen managers and faculty swiped ID’s and handed out red raffle tickets as students walked in to get their plate.
Kitchen staff prepared a selection of food to choose from. Buttermilk pancakes with strawberry sauce, quiche, fruit, muffins and sausage piled high on plates, making it hard for people to finish everything. Everyone had a chance to eat and talk with friends, but halfway through many meals the entertainment began.
The first contest, a hula hoop competition, had seven volunteers. The competition consisted of two rounds, the second of which started with four people and ended with two. The students left standing in the contest hula hooped regularly, then made their way to doing the Cha Cha Slide. They did so well, a winner could not be determined and both students ended up going home with prizes.

The second contest was a dance competition and had many people reluctant to volunteer, which encouraged students to be selected from the audience. Thirteen dancers lined up, one, who was selected from the audience, sat in a chair and was nicknamed “Chair Dancer” for the night. After the first round of dancers, the audience cheered for who they wanted to move on to the second round. Left with six dancers, everyone cheered as they gathered in a group, dancing to try and beat everyone they were against. The audience selected the winner by choice of how loud the room cheered for each dancer. In the end, our audience selected, “Chair Dancer” won the competition.
The night ended with a limbo competition and students winding down from the excitement of that night. The prize table was cleared and plates were scattered around the room. Half-eaten pancakes, fruit, napkins and utensils sat on tables as friends talked and staff cleaned. For any seniors that attended, this would be the last big event before graduation. The stress of finals can get to any student, whether attending SCAD or not. This event is a great way to wind down and hang out with people you may not see over break before the school year ends.