Books that should be on your gift list this year
We’ve gathered the best books to gift this holiday season across genres. From memoir to photography, we’ve covered everyone you’re missing on your holiday shopping list. Don’t forget to also treat yourself to one or two books.

“Humans of New York: Stories” (2015) by Brandon Stanton
Published in 2015, Brandon Stanton has moved further into his “Humans of New York” photo series. This book gives readers an inside look at the dialogue Stanton encountered through his series. Through reading, audiences realize how many stories people have to tell and how much we have to learn about the world and the people around us.

“Becoming” (2018) by Michelle Obama
As many people know, Michelle Obama has recently published a memoir. The book goes into her early life and how that has affected where she is now. Readers get a look into her life and work as the previous first lady and how she succeeds in living a healthy lifestyle.
“Heavy” (2018) by Kiese Laymon

The book tells the story of Laymon’s early life where he experiences sexual violence, being suspended from college and becoming a professor in New York at a young age. The story also touches on anorexia and many more difficult topics. Laymon is honest and opens up a new world of experiences for his readers.

“The Best American Short Stories 2018” by Roxane Gay
This year, Roxane Gay put together a collection of what she thinks to be the best short stories. Her goal was to find the creative and unique ways in which stories were written. If you like powerful messages and political issues addressed through story, this collection is great for you.

“What We Owe” (2018) by Golnaz Hashemzadah Bonde
This is a story about a woman who only has six months left to live. Her daughter is pregnant and she wants to live to meet her first grandchild. Through the strength she’s gained from being a refugee in Sweden and living in Iran, she hopes to make it longer than six months.

“Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me and You” (2018) by Lin Manuel Miranda
Miranda is known best for his Broadway show “Hamilton.” However, if you follow him on Twitter, you know he has one of the most uplifting spirits. His new collection of poems is best described as motivational and heartwarming. Through his poems, Miranda hopes to encourage and lift up the spirits of his readers.