Since I’ve landed in the United Kingdom, I have been immersed in the tourism of its’ capital city of London. In two days, I have seen Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, London Tower, Churchill War Rooms and had a boat ride on the Thames. I’ve drank in a large sip of history that I unashamedly enjoy learning about.
A notable detail of my past two days was in one photo that I saw in the Churchill War Rooms. It is one of the few photos taken during the war in color. It is of Churchill and his chiefs of staff. They sit in a garden by a wall with a bed of tulips. There is a mix of candid and formal portrait tones, in which it was obvious there was some kind of distraction that we, the viewers, are unaware of. It has become one of my favorite photos of all time. So, inspired by the colors in the photo down deep in that bunker, I will share my photos of London so far.