Written and photographed by Joshua Crowder

Artist statement: However we view it, Humanity was created and upheld by attacking Nature and using her resources. As Humanity continues to take from Nature to succeed, Nature tallies up the bullets and keeps track of our attacks.
Though we may not be battling with weapons as we know it, we are just as much battling with lives – current, past, and future. When Humanity steals resources, we are abusively taking chunks from Nature. On the other hand, Nature works her way through our creations with time and ease, manipulating our progress until we are unable to regain it. Nature is dead set on reclaiming what is rightfully hers, while Humanity inconsiderately murders and pillages to gain a leg up.
Joshua Crowder: Growing up, I’ve always viewed the world differently than my peers, so when I picked up a camera, I felt at home. When I look through a camera lens, I seem to enter an alternate universe. This universe shows what I see on a daily basis, but with emphasis on what we overlook. When I snap the shutter, I gain the ability to capture the world in her most current state.
When thinking about the harmony of the world, I began to notice the lack of harmony. While creating the project “Nature vs. Humanity: Humanity attacking Nature and Nature’s return fire,” I noticed an beautifully horrid dance between humanity and nature. While shooting, I see the hypothetical bullets from both sides of the war.
Nature is fighting back, and I want to document the current battles and attacks from both sides.
This is the current state of the longest lasting war.