I went out with some friends to the annual Spring Festival on Ponce at the historic Olmsted Linear Park. Amongst the beautifully landscaped trees and spring blooms of the park, the two-day festival consisted of more than 125 independent artists and craft-makers who showcased and sold their works. There were also several musicians, food carts and trucks, non-profit information booths and fun activities for children and families.

Thousands of locals and visitors, both humans and dogs, roamed through the park during this weekend of lovely weather. It was the perfect setting for great outdoor family time.
Photo by Ellie Briggs.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Soy candles, handmade jewelry, oil and canvas paintings, photography prints, ceramic bird baths
Photo by Ellie Briggs.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.
Photo by Josiah Persad.Photo by Josiah Persad.
Overall, this event was very beneficial for the community of artists in Atlanta. As an art student, seeing the abundance of unique works from professionals in the industry, in this large walk-through exhibition, was truly inspiring. I can’t wait to see what next year’s festival has to offer!