Monday, June 17
First day of summer quarter classes
SCADFILM Storytellers: Music Licensing Workshop
11:30 a.m., Digital Media Center
Preview screening of “Toy Story 4” with Pixar animator Neil Helm
3 p.m., SCADshow
SCADFILM Storytellers: Soundtracks and “Yesterday” preview screening
7 p.m., SCADshow
Thursday, June 20
Student communication workshops: Communication Essentials
11 a.m, noon, 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., Room 259
SCAD FASH screening: “Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s”
6 p.m., SCAD FASH
Friday, June 21
Last day of summer drop/add period
Student communication workshops: Communication Essentials
11 a.m, noon, 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., Photo Studio Bay A
The Legacy Series: “Ben Hur”
7 p.m., SCADshow
Ongoing exhibitions
Trine Søndergaard: “Guldnakke,” SCAD FASH through July 28
“Kaleidoscope Katrantzou”: Mary Katrantzou, 10 Years in Fashion, SCAD FASH through Sept. 22
Upcoming exhibitions
Isabelle de Borchgrave: “Fashioning Art from Paper,” SCAD FASH, Oct. 24 – Jan. 12, 2020