‘Stranger Things 3,’ one season that can change everything

Grab your walkie talkies and a box of Eggos, Netflix’s newest season of their hit series, “Stranger Things” dropped this Independence Day. This time around, our favorite Hawkins residents are settling back into their lives after the chaotic events from the previous season. But when a series of strange events involving power outages, exploding rats and mind-controlled people begin to take on the town, its up to the gang to put the pieces together and save the day once again.
“Stranger Things 3” is, yet again, a fantastic season of this endearing show that actually improves upon some of the minor problems from season 2. This season is quite possibly the best paced of the series thus far. Whereas the previous seasons, especially the second, had moments that felt slightly less engaging, this one kept itself and its characters far more active and engaged in the plot. Very rarely was there a dull moment or lackluster character arc experienced in this season, which greatly benefited the momentum and pacing.
This season also took some major risks that ultimately pay off in adding to the emotional weight and overall tone of the series. The season takes much inspiration from 80s gross out gore films such as “The Thing” and “The Fly,” relishing in a variety of slimy, gory creatures and deaths that are sure to make some casual viewers squirm quite a bit. This choice doesn’t feel mindless, however, as the heavier reliance on violence appropriately aids in raising the stakes and bringing the characters to new places.
Speaking of which, it may go without saying, but these characters are the highlight of this series and are complimented with beyond exceptional performances. The older characters are fantastic, with Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven continuing to prove herself as one of today’s most promising young talents. The series does a great job at giving several minor characters, particularly from the second season, a lot more to do and they all serve their roles great. Priah Ferguson as Erica, especially, is far more prominent this time around and proves to be another worthwhile comic relief. The newer characters introduced in this season also prove to be great additions, with Robin played by Maya Hawke, being one of the most instantly entertaining and likable characters to be featured, sharing a wonderful chemistry with Steve that immediately endears.
The season also proves itself to improve on a production aspect as well. The neon-colored production design, colorful cinematography, fantastic editing, stellar costume design and improved special effects are all simply jaw-dropping to behold, especially for a television series. The direction keeps up with the story, staying very quick and knowing better how to balance each storyline in a way that feels cohesive and engaging. And all of this is complimented by another energetic synth musical score that successfully aids in placing its audience back in that time period while also heightening the emotional gravitas.
This season does have a few minor issues that may hold it back for some. The tonal balance between comedy and drama may throw some off. This season may undeniably be the most comedic of the entire series thus far and while there aren’t many jokes that miss, the way in which some of the jokes are paced out between each other is much snappier than before, and this may distract from trying to fully grasp the more dramatically elements of the story at times.
The overall story beats of this season also may feel slightly repetitive, particularly by the finale. There’s still enough stylistically and emotionally going on for the season to not feel like it is on plain repeat, but it still may feel somewhat transparent to those familiar with the series.
“Stranger Things 3” is another power-packed bundle of 80s goodness that entertains magnificently. The places in which this story is going provides plenty to admire and look forward to, only to be complimented by a fantastic cast and impeccable production that truly awes. Fans of the show are, once again, in good hands and are sure to enjoy another wild ride through the small town of Hawkins.
Review overview
9.5With its eccentric cast, eye-popping direction and a story that continues to raise the stakes, "Stranger Things 3" is another powerhouse season of the hit show worth checking out.