Priyanka Manicka Vasagam is a luxury and fashion management graduate student from Bangalore, India. She talks about her graduate studies, her goals with her degree and conscious shopping.

The Connector: What do you do in the LXFM program and what is your goal with it?
Vasagam: LXFM is all about the business side of fashion, it’s interesting to learn about the luxury industry from a business perspective and understanding the consumer psychology. I am focused on ethical production and sustainability within the industry, my favorite brands are Stella McCartney and Eileen Fisher because they’re doing great in this area. In the near future, I want to work on my own brand, by empowering and promoting traditional artisans in India as its main goal.
The Connector: What’s a project you have done that you’re proud of?
Vasagam: A few years ago, I worked on a project with a goal to develop weighted vest for kids with Autism, a lot of research went into this project. This weighted vest provided deep touch pressure which has a calming effect on the child, this is very close to my heart.

The Connector: When we met you told me that one of the changes you were trying to do this year was switch to a more conscious shopping habit. Who or what implemented that decision on you?
Vasagam: Packing & Moving! Since 2018, I have packed and moved to a different country and 4 different cities. Just the sheer amount of stuff I owned baffled me each time, I never knew how many things I owned until I tried packing them. I had been hoarding clothes, books, trinkets and things that I don’t need but I bought anyways. It really got thinking about my shopping habits and how I can own less. Mindful conscious shopping is my 2019 resolution, I spent most part of this year scrolling through shopping sites and hopping into stores for clothes and deals I didn’t need.
The Connector: How are you working on such goal?
Vasagam: Self control, and its is so hard! But I am proud of myself for the numerous times I have talked myself out before buying clothes that I want but don’t really need. I haven’t shopped from 2 major fast fashion companies this whole year. One pattern that I noticed I had to change was buying clothes and shoes just because they were on sale. I started investing in classic pieces, not trends. As a fashion student, I love dressing up and indulging myself but through this shift in mindset, I buy clothes with a filter that if I don’t see myself wearing an outfit on the first day of school, I am not buying it.
The Connector: Which places in Atlanta do you shop at?
Vasagam: I am still quite new to Atlanta, my go to is Lenox mall. I have also been exploring thrift stores like Lucky Exchange and Buffalo Exchange.
The Connector: Do you think consumers have enough knowledge to know the benefits of conscious shopping?
Vasagam: I think we all know the benefits of conscious shopping and we like the idea of it, but no one wants to follow it.
The Connector: Which aspect in the fashion industry you think needs to be changed so that consumers practice a conscious shopping habit?
Vasagam: The consumerism mentality! The industry will not slow down because we want everything fast, cheap and easy. From a generation of millennials who share a common concern for the environment and yield to unethical consumer shopping patterns, it’s time we really put a thought before unconsciously spending on low quality and fast fashion products.
Some of Priyanka Vasagam’s work where she shows illustrations fused with Indian and Western imageries.