Thursday, Oct. 15
Put Your Vision on the Page with Meaningful Artist Statements
Every artist needs an artist statement – or two, or three, or four. Discuss examples, cover common conventions of artist statements, and draft your own for professional promotion of you and your work that can be used on a variety of platforms.
11 a.m. – noon
Virtual only (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/j/98683622671
Friday, Oct. 16
AMP 330: Communicate as a Team
Effective communication is important to any successful collaboration. Be a valuable team player by expressing your ideas concisely, listening actively, and using your individual skills to secure the collective success of the team.
11 a.m. – noon
Virtual only (Zoom): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
1600 Woodshop Certification Demonstration
Students will be shown how to safely operate the 1600 Woodshop equipment. The miter saw, band saw, panel saw, sanders, and some hand tools will be covered. After attending the demonstration and completing the online written test, students will be certified to use the 1600 Woodshop.
Noon-1 p.m.
On-ground only (1600 Woodshop): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
How to Source and Connect with a Literary Agent
Have a novel or memoir that you’re ready to shop around? Poured your heart and energy into a full-length work of fiction or nonfiction? Ready to catch the eye of a publishing house that will help you take your work public? Then you need a literary agent who both believes in your work and knows how to sell it to the right publisher. But where to start? How do you navigate the endless stream of advice available on the internet and the seemingly infinite numbers of agents out there? While the shotgun approach is often the first step many writers take, it is also largely ineffective. You will want to narrow your choices to take a more calculated approach.
Noon-1 p.m.
On-ground (SCADpad EAST): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Virtual (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlduGsqjgiGdHEzuDncmtAA9mzq30iItdV
Lumen Print Scanning and Enhancing in Photoshop
Make your Lumen prints permanent by scanning and editing them using Photoshop. This workshop will teach how to best digitally scan your Lumen Prints in order to digitally preserve the colors and tones. Participants will further enhance and play with visual possibilities of their lumen print by editing the scanned image in Photoshop. This workshop will guide participants on how to achieve accurate colors and tones, as well as discovering contemporary ways to digitally explore this historic process. Materials needed: Lumen Print or other print to scan, digital storage to transport scan, access to Scanner and Photoshop.
Noon-1 p.m.
Virtual only (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0oce6prTsoHdHVf32ewJZdKvVorT30AyFr
AMP 340: Present as a Team
When working as a TEAM, Together Everyone Achieves More. In this workshop, students learn how to collaborate to deliver seamless, supportive, and sharp team presentations that will engage and inspire any audience.
2-3 p.m.
Virtual only (Zoom): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Design Through Draping: Styling with Historical Garments
3-4 p.m.
On-ground (SCAD40 Event space): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Virtual (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYudu2uqjssG9OzOq5hJy1SwShnfoz_03Ot
Hidden Stories: Portrait Techniques
Painting a portrait is to paint the personality of a person; everyone has a story hidden in the emotions and shapes on their face. In this workshop, engage in a variety of traditional oil painting techniques such as underpainting, alla prima, glazing, and fat over lean to create a portrait using oil paint. Learn how to enhance your work through expressive brush work, controlling of transparent to opaque in hues, and simplifying shapes to render objects effectively. Convey the subjects life experience and individual emotions through the creation of a long lasting legacy.
3-4 p.m.
On-ground (SCADpad WEST): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Virtual (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkcOChrzkiHdbApzpS4fsRTGc3JnVMjEtG
How to Picture Meaning: Picture books, childhood and meaning
What are some of your favorite picture books? What is a picture book? Why do we associate it with childhood? To understand the meanings of visual and verbal language in picture books, we need to understand how culture thinks about childhood. Childhood? Childrens literature? Picture books? “You cant analyze that.” I hear variations of this all the time from people outside academiamany people inside academia. They think children and their culture are innocuous, innocent, insipid, or inane. Or a combination of these things. Well, in this workshop we’re going to explore childhood as an area of inquiry through the picture book. In the process, we’ll think about how childhood, as we understand it in the popular imagination, resides within all adults, and adulthood resides within all children.
3-4 p.m.
On-ground (SCADpad EAST): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Virtual (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrd-itqz0jGNQNws2UH6mG2jsPwRkBBDuj
Laser Cutter Certification Demonstration
Students will learn the difference between raster engraving and vector cutting and how to set Rhino or Illustrator files to achieve their desired results. Multiple examples of laser processed materials will be shown. Materials, submission requirements, and processing times will be covered. After completing the demonstration and signing the processing agreement, students will be certified to use the laser cutter.
3-4 p.m.
On-ground (SCAD Studio, S111): register at https://app.scad.edu/workshops
Mathematics for the Real World: Budgets, Savings, and Retirement Planning
Participants will learn the basics of financial management from creating a budget, to understanding the power of compounding interest, to basic tax advantaged investment vehicles like a 401k and Roth vs Traditional IRA.
3-4 p.m.
Virtual only (Zoom): https://scad.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpd-GrrD8pHdyi2p8hoRo4OZda60IDjefb