Tuesday, Dec. 1
Guests and Gusto presents Social Strategy and Management workshop with Oscar Betancur
10 a.m., online
Guests and Gusto presents Unreal Engine VR workshop with Walter Woods
Noon, online
Guests and Gusto presents Cecilia Nessen, producer of “I Am Greta”
1 p.m., online
CAS CAP Level 1: Résumés 101
1 p.m., online, register through the SCAD Job Portal in MySCAD
Thursday, Dec. 3
Guests and Gusto presents Standing Out from the Crowd workshop with Sam Eckersley
10 a.m., online
Friday, Dec. 4
Guests and Gusto presents Interior Design Brainstorming workshop with Challie Schafer
Noon, online
CAS CAP Level 2: Beyond the Basic Résumé
1 p.m., online, register through the SCAD Job Portal in MySCAD
CAS CAP Level 3: Elements of a Strong Portfolio
2 p.m., online, register through the SCAD Job Portal in MySCAD
SCADextra workshop: “Rest(less)” on presenting work for curation and exhibition
3 p.m.
Guests and Gusto presents Opening Titles workshop with Kelly Carlton
4 p.m., online
Calls for Entry
Drawing Works 2021, accepting submissions through Jan. 17, 2021
Foundation Studies Portfolio Award, accepting submissions through Jan. 28, 2021
Ongoing exhibitions
Derrick Adams: “Patrick Kelly, The Journey,” SCAD FASH through Jan. 3, 2021