Conspiracy theories are real: ‘Department of Truth’ review

I’m not an avid comic-book reader, but the “Department of Truth” series might make me one. Written by James Tynion IV, it’s a six-part series. The story centers around Cole Turner, who finds himself at the center of conspiracy leading him to a new job at the Department of Truth.
Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? James Tynion IV made them so much more interesting by asking: what if all the conspiracies are true?
For example, many people believe in Bigfoot, which hasn’t been proven to be true — not yet, anyway. But what if our collective belief is so strong it makes Bigfoot real?
That’s where the “Department of Truth” comes in, and that is what makes it so good. The idea that a collective belief can bring nonexistent things to life is terrifying and fascinating. As much as I love the idea of Big Foot, I wouldn’t want him sleeping in my backyard.
The artist of the comic, Martin Simmonds, draws beautiful, haunting panels that enhance the storytelling. Cole Turner’s determination and unfolding backstory will make you hang on to every word and drawing. One of my favorite things about the series though is the light sprinkling of dark humor. Whether it is small jabs between characters or breezing over that the Department has killed Santa Claus, it breaks up the seriousness of the horror-thriller.
The fourth installment of “The Department of Truth” release on Dec. 23, making the comic the perfect holiday gift.