Stay up-to-date on all upcoming events here.

Wednesday, Jan. 6
AMP 210 – Create a Practice Routine
Speaking to an audience like any other form of performance requires intense preparation. Learn strategies to develop a personal practice routine and deliver your presentations with purpose and polish.
5-6 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Friday, Jan. 8
AMP 150 – Design Your Deck
A well-designed slide deck elevates understanding and amplifies engagement for your audience. Learn how to complement and deepen the impact of your verbal presentation through high-impact visuals. The Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.
11 a.m. – noon, online
Click here to register.
So You Don’t Have a Scanner?
Participants explore different tools and their settings in Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio in order to submit better quality images to professors during virtual learning and beyond. Participants also discuss best practices for sending work to a server for future professional practice. Attendees use their cell phone, iPad, laptop, etc.
11 a.m. – noon, online
Click here to register.
Glean Insight on Cosmetic Brands by Creating a Monday Morning Report
Get tips on creating a brand managers category report to identify insights that will drive sales strategy for cosmetics brands.
1-2 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Laser Cutter Demonstration
Students will learn the difference between raster engraving and vector cutting and how to set Rhino or Illustrator files to achieve their desired results. Multiple examples of laser processed materials will be shown. Materials, submission requirements, and processing times will be covered.
1-2 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Scientific Creature Creation
Learn how to design their own alien creature, by first analyzing a real animal, it’s anatomy, behavior, and adaptations and how these aspects make it successful in its Earthly habitat. Attendees will then apply the same principles of the Theory of Evolution to design an imagined creature shaped by the need to survive on their alien world. Students will need to bring their sketching materials: sketchbook, pencils, pens, markers, etc. and tracing paper.
1-2 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Path to the Pros – Unique Paths to a Career in Photography
Students will explore unique approaches to student projects that have led to professional careers and the various avenues available to the professional photographer. We will discuss how to use personal experiences to create stand out projects. Professor Phipps will be in discussion with SCAD Alums engaging with ideas of how student work experience evolved into professional practices after graduation.
1-2 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Introduction to Oil Painting
Learn about still life painting and how to focus on seeing shape rather than detail through personalized instruction. Use the combination of light and temperature to create drama and depth in and around the focal point. Beginning with a toned canvas, gain an awareness of palette choices and brush selection. Learn how to create an interesting composition, through an understanding of color coordination, harmony, and values. Demonstrations throughout the workshop illustrate the basics of sight measuring, linear drawing, as well as traditional oil painting techniques such as underpainting, and fat over lean-to render the still life artwork.
4-5 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Crafting Professional Emails
Email plays a vital role for professionals in all industries to communicate with each other. Your success and the success of the creative project that your working on depends on you generating well crafted emails to art directors, editors, professors, team members, and peers. This workshop will cover email best practices and some handy tips.
4-5 p.m., online
Click here to register.
Saturday, Jan. 9
1600 Woodshop Certification Demonstration
Students will be shown how to safely operate the 1600 Woodshop equipment. The miter saw, band saw, panel saw, sanders, and some hand tools will be covered. After attending the demonstration and completing the online written test, students will be certified to use the 1600 Woodshop.
1-2 p.m., 1600 Woodshop
Click here to register.
Sewing Fundamentals: Industrial Sewing Machines and Overlockers
Learn the setup and usage of industrial sewing machines, as well as, how to use the industrial overlock.
1-2 p.m., online and 415C
Click here to attend.