AMP 160 – Dress The Part
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 5-6 p.m.
Looking the part matters. By carefully curating your personal look and visual brand, you showcase a polished and confident presence that bolsters your credibility and builds audience trust.
Click here to register.
AMP 210 – Create a Practice Routine
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 5-6 p.m.
Speaking to an audience, like any other form of performance, requires intense preparation. Learn strategies to develop a personal practice routine and deliver your presentations with purpose and polish. The Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.
Click here to register.
Industrial Design: Sanders and Chop Saw
Friday, Jan. 29, 9-10:30 a.m.
In this workshop, students will learn the proper technique for the operation of all shop sanders and the chop saw. Students are required to read the corresponding section in the attached SCAD Studio Shop Safety Manual prior to the start of the workshop. A hands-on demonstration by students will be part of the session. If you have any questions regarding the workshops, please contact professor Eduardo Milrud at emilrud@scad.edu.
Click here to register.
Color Experiments in Photoshop
Friday, Jan. 29, 10-11 a.m.
Explore color theorist Josef Alber’s color experiments in Photoshop. This workshop will expand your awareness of color and provide the opportunity to experiment with color in Photoshop.
Click here to register.
Color Palette Instagram Challenge!
Friday, Jan. 29, 10-11 a.m.
Gather and create color palettes while analyzing various color schemes with pProfessor Courtney Ryan. Students can tag their images @scadfoundations.atlanta for viewers to vote on their favorite color palettes!
Click here to register.
Jacket Pockets Workshop
Friday, Jan. 29, 10-11:30 a.m.
Students will learn how to sew the Welt Pocket found on Jackets. Students will make a sample. Intermediate level. Materials will be provided for on-ground students. Students attending this workshop virtually must have the following: 1. Threaded Sewing Machine 2. Pre-Cut fabric and interfacing (use provided PDF for pattern pieces) 3. Scissors 4. Pencil.
Click here to register.
Top Tips for Designing an Effective Presentation
Friday, Jan. 29, 10-11 a.m.
Whether in person or on screen, we’ll explore a list of visual approaches to help tap into an audience’s mind and figure out what lights them up.
Click here to register.
Industrial Design: Sanders and Chop Saw
Friday, Jan. 29, 10:30 a.m. – noon
In this workshop, students will learn the proper technique for the operation of all shop sanders and the chop saw. Students are required to read the corresponding section in the attached SCAD Studio Shop Safety Manual prior to the start of the workshop. A hands-on demonstration by students will be part of the session. If you have any questions regarding the workshops, please contact professor Eduardo Milrud at emilrud@scad.edu.
Click here to register.
Friday Afternoon in the Botanical Gardens
Friday, Jan. 29, noon-2 p.m.
A drawing adventure to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens lead by professors Paul Rodecker and Brett Osborn. Please meet at the main building exit at noon SCAD transportation will be provided. Students should bring drawing materials (pencils, markers, pads).
Click here to register.
Laser Cutter Demonstration
Friday, Jan. 29, 1-2 p.m.
Students will learn the difference between raster engraving and vector cutting and how to set Rhino or Illustrator files to achieve their desired results. Multiple examples of laser processed materials will be shown. Materials, submission requirements and processing times will be covered.
Click here to register.
Value Studies — Speed Painting for Color Scripts
Friday, Jan. 29, 1-2 p.m.
Award-winning short film director and animator Matthew Maloney will demonstrate how to create industry standard value studies for use in color scripts and style frames. Participants will be guided through the basics of value painting as well as a study on how to capture believable space and color while adhering to the target style of concept materials.
Click here to register.
The Magic of Photography Without a Darkroom or a Camera: Lumen Printing
Friday, Jan. 29, 1-2 p.m.
Lumen printing is a photographic process using light and light sensitive materials for creating images without a camera or a darkroom. This workshop will introduce participants to the history of this unique process and its resurgence within contemporary art practice. They will explore different techniques and options for creating images producing a minimum of two images.
Click here to register.
Introduction to Soft Pastel
Friday, Jan. 29, 4-5 p.m.
Learn how to blend and mix dry pigments together using various techniques. Understanding the material; choosing the right surface and paper selection for this medium.
Click here to register.
Your World in Perspective
Saturday, Jan. 30, 10-11 a.m.
Learn to draw dynamic and convincing spaces from imagination using linear perspective. Create a world of your own for placement of your figures and characters.
Click here to register.
1600 Woodshop Certification Demonstration
Saturday, Jan. 30, 1-2 p.m.
Students will be shown how to safely operate the 1600 Woodshop equipment. The miter saw, band saw, panel saw, sanders, and some hand tools will be covered. After attending the demonstration and completing the online written test, students will be certified to use the 1600 Woodshop.
Click here to register.
Sewing Fundamentals: Industrial Sewing Machines and Overlockers
Saturday, Jan. 30, 1-2 p.m.
Learn the setup and usage of industrial sewing machines, as well as, how to use the industrial overlock.
Click here to register.
Music Editing for Film
Saturday, Jan. 30, 1-2 p.m.
A film, television show or advertisement is not complete without music. Learn how to find music, choose music, get clearance for music and edit music to enhance the emotional impact of your film.
Click here to register.