Monday, Feb. 8
SCADamp AMP 110: Establish Presence
11 a.m. – noon, online
CAS employer presentation: Altar’d State
5 p.m., online
Tuesday, Feb. 9
Guests and Gusto presents graphic designer and art director Thomas Kronbichler
11 a.m., online
SCADamp AMP 240: Own the Room
11 a.m. – noon, online
Guests and Gusto presents actor Andrew Rannells
2 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 160: Dress the Part
2-3 p.m., online
CAS employer presentation: Blue Sky Studios
5 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 130: Shape Your Story
5-6 p.m., online
Wednesday, Feb. 10
Guests and Gusto presents fashion design team Jonathan Cohen and Sarah Leff
11 a.m., online
SCADamp AMP 130: Shape Your Story
11 a.m. – noon, online
Guests and Gusto presents poets Taylor Johnson and S*an D. Henry-Smith
Noon, online
Guests and Gusto presents Target design strategist Joel Bodkin
2 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 160: Dress the Part
2-3 p.m., online
Guests and Gusto presents SCAD grad animator Marisa “Ginger” Tontaveetong
5 p.m., online
Inclusion: Identity and Inclusion workshop
5-6:30 p.m., online
Thursday, Feb. 11
SCADamp AMP 130: Shape Your Story
8-9 a.m., online
SCADamp AMP 330: Communicate as a Team
11 a.m. – noon, online
SCAD FASH virtual exhibition tour: “Albert Watson: The Light Behind the Lens”
Noon, online
Guests and Gusto presents multidisciplinary designer Leah Ring
2 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 110: Establish Presence
2-3 p.m., online
The Business of Creatives presents Artrepreneur founder and CEO Grace Cho
4 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 310: Embrace Improvisation
5-6 p.m., online
Movie Night: “Do the Right Thing”
8 p.m., FORTY event space
Friday, Feb. 12
SCADamp AMP 120: Discover Your Voice
8-9 a.m., online
Inclusion workshop: Privilege and Empowerment
10-11 a.m., online
Color Palette Instagram Challenge!
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Design Competitions: Spotlight Your Work
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Design Personas: Avoiding Common Mistakes
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Field Sound Effects Scavenger Hunt
10-11 a.m., online
SCADamp AMP 110: Establish Presence
11 a.m. – noon, online
Tea and Talk: Winter 2021
Noon, online
SCADextra workshop: En Plein Air – Drawing Piedmont Park in Color
Noon-1:45 p.m., meet at main building exit
SCAD Virtual Career Fair: School of Fashion and the School of Fine Arts
Noon-4 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Agile Software and Cross Functional Teams
1-2 p.m., online
ARE 5.0 Exam Preparation
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Leather Bound Journal: Longstitch Binding
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Meaning and the Built Environment
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Predicting the Impact of Visual Designs Using Free AI
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Laser Cutter Demonstration
1-2 p.m., SCAD Studio S111
SCADextra workshop: Painting with Fire: Simple Enameled Pendant
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Tufting Gun Workshop
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Guillermo Del Toro Characters: An emphasis on costume design
1-3 p.m., Room 272 and online
Guests and Gusto presents professor and writer Regina N. Bradley and songwriter, producer and composer Tricky Stewart
2 p.m., online
SCADamp AMP 210: Create a Practice Routine
2-3 p.m., SCADamp Mainstage
SCAD Libraries workshop: Creative Copyright: Finding and Using Images for Your Projects
2-3:30 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: CLO 3D design software Master Class (Series B)
2-4 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Acid Dye Workshop
2-4 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: “Playing” with Form and Material
4-5 p.m., Room 272 and online
SCADextra workshop: Buon Appetito! The Pleasures of the Italian Table
4-5 p.m., FORTY event space
SCADextra workshop: The Chemistry of Luxurious Materials
4-5 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Advanced Photoshop Tips and Tricks
4-5 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Digital Lettering
4-5 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: The Neuroscience of Storytelling
4-5 p.m., online
Saturday, Feb. 13
SCADextra workshop: Art and Illusion in Houdini
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Daylighting Analysis with BIM
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: It’s Always Better With Music: How the “I Want” Song in a Musical Establishes Character
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Model-Making Techniques for Theatre and Film
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Navigating Color
10-11 a.m., online
SCADextra workshop: 1600 Woodshop Certification Demonstration
1-2 p.m., SCAD Atlanta Woodshop
SCADextra workshop: Footwear Patterning: Asymmetrical Pump
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra presents Beauty and Wellness: Exploring Beauty from the Inside Out with S3 America’s Next Top Model contestant Kelle Jacob
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Painting for the Theatre: Marble Techniques
1-2 p.m., online
SCADextra workshop: Sewing Fundamentals: Industrial Sewing Machines and Overlockers
1-2 p.m., Room 415C
Sunday, Feb. 14
SCAD Libraries thesis research and writing group
2-3:30 p.m., online
Ongoing exhibitions
Albert Watson: “The Light Behind the Lens,” SCAD FASH through – Sept. 5
Ruth E. Carter: “Afrofuturism in Costume Design,” SCAD FASH through Sept. 12