AMP 150 – Design Your Deck
Tuesday, March 2, 11 a.m. – noon
A well-designed slide deck elevates understanding and amplifies engagement for your audience. Learn how to complement and deepen the impact of your verbal presentation through high-impact visuals. The Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.
Click here to register.
Touring the Spiral Jetty
Friday, March 5, 10-11 a.m.
Join professor Emily Webb for an in-depth examination of Robert Smithson’s legendary 1970 earthwork, Spiral Jetty. Explore the monumental work from conception to construction, tour its form and learn about its significance for the development of site-specific art.
Click here to register.
AMP 140 – Focus Your Attention
Friday, March 5, 11 a.m. – noon
Learning to focus your attention and energy is key to staying present and engaged during peak-performance moments. Explore mindfulness techniques and practices to calm your nerves, silence the mental chatter, and ease performance anxiety. The Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.
Click here to register.
Top Tips for Designing an Effective Presentation
Friday, March 5, 1-2 p.m.
Whether in person or on screen, we’ll explore a list of visual approaches to help you tap into your audience’s mind and figure out what lights them up.
Click here to register.
Acrylic Painting Fundamentals
Friday, March 5, 4-5 p.m.
Focus on seeing in terms of shape rather than detail. Use the combination of light and temperature to create drama and depth in and around the focal point. Using traditional painting techniques such as underpainting, glazing using layers to render the still life.
Click here to register.
Business Model Ideation
Saturday, March 6, 10-11 a.m.
In this workshop participants learn how to use the business model canvas to quickly iterate new business ideas and methods to validate or invalidate aspects of a business idea. The canvas consists of nine building blocks including: value propositions, customer segments, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, key partners, key activities, key resources, and cost structure.
Click here to register.
Welcome to Jurassic World!
Saturday, March 6, 1-2 p.m.
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to design their own hybrid dinosaur creature. We will embark on a journey in which science meets art and most specifically character design!
Click here to register.
Drawing on Toned Papers
Saturday, March 6, 1-2 p.m.
Using toned papers as a midtone (tan and grey), students will learn how to add white and black charcoal to create values and define forms, highlights, and shadows.
Click here to register.