This creative and eye-catching illustration was created by third-year animation student, Regina Vera.
Vera has been featured on here before for beautiful fan art, and this piece is just an example out of many wonderful ones she does. This is Vera’s ‘sithsona,” an internet trend where an artist draws themselves as part of the Star Wars universe by illustrating themselves as a Sith. For those who are not avid Star Wars fans, Siths are a powerful order in the franchise who are devoted to the dark side of the Force, the energy field that connects everything in the universe.
Vera is a huge Star Wars fan and sought comfort in the series throughout the tough days she faced during the pandemic. For Vera, this piece was a therapeutic work in which she used her art to transfer herself into an alternate universe alongside her favorite characters, such as Kylo Ren (who Vera may be crushing on).
Vera’s art is always extremely lively and full of comfort subjects. From fan art to her original characters, every piece she creates is always a joy to view. In case you missed the last article about her and want to see more of her work, her instagram is @r3ginaarts.