SCAD welcomes GamingFest April 4-6SCADFILM presents SCAD GamingFest, a three-day gathering of industry luminaries, game development professionals and brilliant students from one of the broadest and fastest growing academic fields.
Monday, April 1Lunch and BurnNoon-12:45 p.m., SCADfit CAS Resume Spot Check1-2 p.m., The Hub Total Body HIIT1-2 p.m., SCADfit Hatha Flow Yoga5-5:55 p.m., SCADfit Gentle Hatha Flow Yoga6-7 p.m., SCADfit
Monday, March 25First day of spring quarter classes Hatha Flow Yoga5-5:55 p.m., SCADfit Gentle Hatha Flow Yoga6-7 p.m., SCADfit iDO Interior Design student organization meeting8-9 p.m., Georgia Room Tuesday, March 26Mindful
Residence halls close for non-returning students March 15Students not returning to the residence halls for spring quarter must be out of the building by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 15.
Monday, March 11Mindfulness session11 a.m., SCADfit iDO Interior Design organization meeting7:30 p.m., Georgia Room Tuesday, March 12Mindfulness session11 a.m., SCADfit Drawing and Design Center tutoring hours7:45-9:15 p.m., 4C and 319 SCAD
Take a break for mindfulnessCS3 and SCADfit will offer mindfulness sessions for finals week. Take a break and drop by the SCADfit classroom on the first floor on March 11,
Monday, March 4Medieval Art History lecture by professors Sarah Cadigan and Ashley Laverock6:30-7:30 p.m., Rooms 256-257 Tuesday, March 5Housing info session for returning students7 p.m., ACA House lobby Drawing and Design
Volunteer at Open Hand Atlanta on March 1SERVE, the SCAD Atlanta student service organization, will be volunteering at Open Hand Atlanta from 1-4 p.m. on Friday, March 1. Open Hand
Monday, Feb. 25Women's and Men's Golf at Faulkner University Spring Invitational9 a.m., Pratville, Ala. School of Building Arts Lecture: "Ma, The Space in Between"7 p.m., SCADshow iDO Interior Design Organization meeting8-9
School of Building Arts presents 'Ma — The Space In Between' lectureKanika Arora and Greg Skura will join students and faculty for a building arts lecture on Monday, Feb. 25