Monday, April 5Guests and Gusto presents creative director Eliza Harris11 a.m., online SCADamp AMP 160: Dress the Part11 a.m., online SCADamp AMP 250: Story Mapping2-3 p.m., online Continuing Student Housing
Monday, March 29Inclusion workshop: Interrupting Microaggressions: Fostering a Culture of Respect10-11:30 a.m., online Guests and Gusto presents designer and SCAD alum Amelia Allen11 a.m., online SCADamp AMP 210: Create a
Monday, March 22First day of spring quarter CAS presents Walt Disney Animation Studios5 p.m., online Residence Life and Housing info session for returning students7 p.m., online Tuesday, March 23CAS presents
Tuesday, March 16Guests and Gusto presents SCADamp visualization coach Vek Neal10 a.m., online SCADextra workshop: Laser Cutter Demonstration1-2 p.m., online SCADextra workshop: Creating Your Own Frame1-3 p.m., online CAS Financial
Monday, March 8St. Pat's Day CraftsNoon-1 p.m., online Tuesday, March 9Conversations with Lacoste10 a.m., online The Creative Experience 2D — a Z by HP Event: Video artist Orlando Arocena2 p.m.,
Monday, March 1SCADamp AMP 140: Focus Your Attention2-3 p.m., online Alumni Atelier virtual salon showcase3 p.m., online Tuesday, March 2SCADamp AMP 210: Create a Practice Routine8-9 a.m., online SCADamp AMP
Monday, Feb. 22CAS employer presentation: Epic Games 5 p.m., online CAS employer presentation: Splunk5 p.m., online SCADamp AMP 130: Shape Your Story5-6 p.m., SCADamp Mainstage Tuesday, Feb. 23Conversations with Lacoste10
Monday, Feb. 15SCADamp AMP 220: Engage Your Audience 11 a.m. - noon, online Guests and Gusto presents SCAD grad Lyn Hooper2 p.m., online CAS employer engagement: ConPRmetidos5 p.m., online CAS
Monday, Feb. 8SCADamp AMP 110: Establish Presence11 a.m. - noon, online CAS employer presentation: Altar'd State5 p.m., online Tuesday, Feb. 9Guests and Gusto presents graphic designer and art director Thomas
Monday, Feb. 1ARTH, EQSR and WRIT drop-in advising3-5 p.m., onlineCAS employer presentation: Amway6 p.m., online, register through the SCAD Job Portal Student Media Interest Meeting7 p.m., online Tuesday, Feb. 2CAS