Monday, Jan. 21Martin Luther King Jr. Day holidayTuesday, Jan. 22Housing info session7 p.m., ACA Common Room Drawing and Design Center tutoring hours7:45-9:15 p.m., 4C and 319 SCAD Animu organization meeting8-10 p.m., Room 318Wednesday, Jan. 23International Coffee Hour:
Monday, Jan. 14Study Abroad info table1-2 p.m., The Hub CAS Résumé Spot Check table1-2 p.m., The Hub EXPLO Summer Programs presentation5-6 p.m., sign up through the SCAD Job Portal iDO
Photo by Damaris Fletcher. By Darissa Townes, contributor Winter quarter at SCAD Atlanta can mean a lot of things, but aside from a few potential snow days, aTVfest, an event