“Vendor in Sham Shui Po market”
Sham Shui Po, a city of dreams to some. Opportunities are endless for electronic specialists and the common mans search for a wide array of household items and clothing. The markets of Sham Shui Po are famous for their diversity and ability to cover all aspects of life. An outsider to these markets will look with much confusion but with brief scrutiny there is much order to these markets. What looks to be a shamble of useless goods beneath makeshift tents and haphazardly placed roofs and shelving turns out to be a strategic market for goods otherwise not available in Hong Kong.
This image depicts the essence of business in these markets as a man attempts to sell a watch to a store owner. As the potential buyer looks with much intensity the man looks around with hope of a high price or a good trade. This eager face tells a story of this man that words cannot, characterizing the mentality of the locals. This aspect of small business is what runs Sham Shui Po and what makes this area unique and special to the world.
By Ryan G Segedi

“Yuen Po Street Bird Market”
The Yuen Po Street Bird Market is located in Prince Edward, Hong Kong. The passion that these men and women have for birds is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I have now spent 8 weeks shooting this market, and have developed a love and passion for birds myself.
By Carson Sanders

“Street Photography”
By Mike Patterson