by Anais Terry
“Podcasting” is the newest form of audio broadcasting on the internet. Not only is it a personal way of sharing stories and opinions with the world, it encompasses a variety of genres that means there is something for everyone. Podcasts can be found on most music sites. For example, iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud all stream podcast programming, and for some people doing so is their full-time career. Most podcasts are free, however, there are some that charge per episode. Some update weekly, and others every day. The best thing about podcasts though is how they can bring together an audience of like-minded individuals. As you listen, it is comforting to know that although you aren’t physically together with your friends in the comfort of your car, you are all sharing the listening experience from wherever you may be. Here are a few podcasts you didn’t know you were in the mood to listen to.
If you’re feeling reflective: “Happier”

“Happier” is a podcast by an American author, blogger and overall good human Gretchen Rubin. On the show, she tests out ancient theories and science hypotheses that are supposed to improve overall morale and positivity every week as she tries to build better habits and live a happier life. This podcast updates daily and streams on Spotify so you will need a subscription to listen in. This is a great choice for people looking for some extra motivation in taking that next step in their life, or simply for those who seek a change.
If you’re feeling curious: “The Friend Zone”

Every Wednesday listen to Fran, Dustin and Assante talk about pop culture, sexuality, faith, social media and much more. They open each episode with an original song and beat about that day’s subject performed by Dustin and Assante that will have you smiling for the rest of your car ride. After listening, you’ll be questioning your life for the rest of your day as they stimulate your brain with open minded discussions and intelligent conversation about the things happening in our world today. This is a great podcast to listen to on your way to school or work.
If you’re feeling dramatic: “This American Life”

This American Life is a free weekly podcast hosted by Ira Glass. It features content from films, memoirs, essays and other non-fiction journalism. It is the most popular podcast in North America with more than two million listeners per episode. Each episode has a theme and stories or news related to that theme are discussed for the duration of the show, which is about an hour long. Themes vary from babysitting to Jeeps (yes the car) which keeps the show interesting and engaging. The episodes are available for one week after they air, and once you sign up future episodes are downloaded straight to your phone.
If you’re feeling inspired: “StoryCorps”

“StoryCorps,” is a podcast that features interviews from thousands of Americans of all ages, races and lifestyles. The goal of StoryCorps is to record the lives of people today in order to pass the stories and information learned to the next generation. They do this by interviewing everyday Americans. This podcast is for anyone interested in history, as well as those who love good stories.
Comment below and let us know what podcasts you’re listening to!