Art students are known for expressing themselves creatively through their outfits. Let’s meet SCAD Atlanta’s Sarah Bradley, a second-year writing student.

The Connector: Where do you get your inspiration for your look?
Bradley: 70’s punk rockers. I discovered them my junior year in high school. They were like gods, so weird and different and it felt really genuine. I discovered them my junior year in high school and thought, “this was the thing I’m going to roll with forever.”
I made this shirt I’m wearing for the Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women. It was originally part of a Halloween costume, but I painted the words on for the Atlanta rally.
There’s something to be said about why both punk rock and the rally [which protested President Donald Trump’s position of social and religious inequality, among others] appeal to me. They are both based in love, a love that sparks outrage which, in turn, sparks action. There’s something very compelling about a love so powerful that it verges on violence. That’s what activism and punk rock is.