Take the time to collaborate with other photographers

Although it’s important to grow as a photographer on your own, you can also make improvements by working with other people who share your interests. You’ll find that your weaknesses are the strengths of others. Take the time to study and observe other photographers and draw different things from that experience that you want to apply to your own skill set.

Another benefit to collaborating is that it helps with networking. You can increase your number of contacts, and have your name spread to potential clients and colleagues you otherwise may not have had access to. This also leads to growth on social media. In this day and age, your Instagram is basically an online resume, so it will definitely be a plus to have examples of you working with a team for potential employers.

You don’t necessarily have to shoot alongside other photographers either. You can assist others who are more seasoned or have someone assist you. Either way working together with people can increase your efficiency and that type of work holds just as much weight on a resume as shooting a project. You can assist photographers by helping with set design, or being a digital tech and handling lighting equipment. Collaborative participation like that shows that you’re involved and willing to work.